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Frequently asked questions - Answers for solar systems

  • Where can the PV system be installed?

According to the joint ministerial decision FEK/1079/V/04.06.2009 it is possible to install photovoltaic systems of up to 10kW in buildings especially in lofts and roofs of buildings, including sheds terraces of buildings used for residential housing or microenterprises. The program is implemented throughout the Territory with the exception of non-interconnected islands with the mainland system of the country.

  • Who can install the PV system?

Right to membership in the program of PV systems are not natural persons traders and natural or legal persons traders classified as micro enterprises, which have to own the space in which to install the PV system.
In the case of PV system in a public area of the building, facilities and only a PV system. Right to membership in the program in this case have only the owners of horizontal properties represented by the manager or one of the main horizontal property after granting the use of shared or jointly-owned site to the other co-owners. Prerequisite is to have the assent of all joint owners of the building, the responsibility of the parties.

  • What are the basic prerequisites for installing the PV system?

A prerequisite is the existence of an active power supply in the name of the owner of the PV system in the building where it is installed. In addition, part of the heat in hot water needs of the property owner installed the PV system must be covered by renewable energy installed at the system (eg the existence of solar water heater, solar).

  • When the compensation for the PV system contract is signed?

After signing the Convention Association request netting agreement with the Seller, provided that there is a Supply Contract in the name of the owner of the PV system. The process must be completed within 15 days from the date of receipt of the request.

  • When is the connection of the PV system enabled?

Enabling the connection of the PV system made by the relevant Area Network PPC after a) receiving a copy of the Contract Clearing by the Supplier b) making a solemn declaration appropriate engineering specialist with the necessary attachments to it and c) making affirmation of the owner of the PV system which will undertake not to make any changes to the installation of the PV system.

  • What is the duration of the clearing of the PV system?

The settlement agreement signed between the supplier and the owner of the PV system valid for 25 years, with effect from the date of activation of the connection of the PV system.

  • When is netting contract terminated?

The netting agreement may be terminated automatically upon the expiry of a period of 25 years. If the owner of the PV system switched supplier then terminated the contract of right and awarded a new contract settlement for the remainder of the 25-year period. Any termination of the Contract and Procurement ipso jure termination settlement.
The Seller may terminate the Contract Clearing where the owner of the PV system is not consistent with its obligations under the netting agreement, upon written notice and lapse without a period of 15 days (recovery period).
The owner of the PV system can terminate the contract without invoking Clearing a good cause, upon presentation of a document within 15 days after service of the document.

  • How is the accounting value of the off-generated energy sold by the PV system?

The credit from the energy output of PV system appears in the current account of the owner of the PV system. Essentially, the current account lieu market.
The amount of credit offset by charges resulting from the electricity supply contract with DEI. If the total current account is credit, then the amount credited to the bank account of the owner of the PV system to the expiry date of the account current.

  • What is the energy produced by the PV system?

Generated energy from the PV system is the energy produced, less the small absorbed energy for own consumption by the inverter at night, and any accompanying equipment (eg cameras, alarms). For this reason, the meter of the PV system is dual enrollment (counting the energy produced by the PV system - measurement of absorbed energy).

  •  When do you count the energy produced by the PV system?

The measurement of energy produced by the PV system is performed simultaneously with the measurement of power supply, ie apply the same measurement cycle with that of electricity supply.
If not possible to take reading at the date of the scheduled measurement time of the liquidation of the energy produced by the PV system will be the date of the next scheduled measurement date.

  • What is the value of the energy produced by the PV system?

The price of energy produced by the PV system is set at 0,55 € / kWh for netting agreements concluded in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The price is reduced by 5% annually for the netting agreements entered into during the period 1.1.2012 until 31.12.2019.
In the event that triggered the connection of the PV system is made after the expiration of 6 months from the conclusion of clearing it as a reference will take the value corresponding to the year made the connection to activate the system.

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